feeding and care of horses
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Pasture management for horse fields

Every now and then, your fields need rejuvenating. You can do that by completely seeding after ploughing the fields or by reseeding the existing grassland. Following are some tips and advice on grassland maintenance...
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Horse too thin, gaining weight

A lot of horses loose condition in winter. This could have been caused by, for instance, a worm infection, teeth problems, stress or pain. You have to call the vet when a horse looses weight very quickly. But more...
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Horse too fat, losing weight

You exercise your horse seriously and regularly, your horse does not get too much hard feed and still, he is a good-doer. To instigate a tight diet seems to be the only option, but it is definitely not the best...
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Natural eating habits

The way horses eat in the wild The horse’s environment determines the behaviour it shows. Our horses cannot choose what they want to do at any specific moment. The horse as a pet cannot decide by itself when...
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Fast and slow releasing energy

There are several equestrian disciplines and each discipline requires different skills from the horse and rider. For dressage you need discipline, patience and stamina. On race courses you see super sprinters who...
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Manure and urine

Through bowel movements and urination the horse gets rid of materials that the digestive tract cannot digest or use as building blocks. The kidneys transport the liquid waste products via the urine, and the intestines...
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The coat protects your horse from injuries, heat, sunrays or cold. The sebum, an oily secretion of the sebaceous gland, which helps to preserve the flexibility of the hair, makes the coat water-repellant.   The...
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Before the various ingredients for our products arrive at the factory we have already conducted a comprehensive research. First we do a visual inspection to make sure that the ingredients look like they’re...
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A joint is the point of connection between two (or more) bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion). To facilitate movement, the bones of a joint are shaped to match perfectly (ball- and socket)....
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Eating sand and manure

Sometimes horses eat sand or manure, and generally there is a reason for that behavior. As soon as you’ve discovered what that reason is, you can find a solution.   Eating sand Sometimes horses...
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When we are breathing, air enters the body through either the mouth or nose, travels through the muscular pharynx, or throat, down the trachea, and into the bronchial tree of the lungs until it reaches the smallest...
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Good hoof-care is essential for your horse. Many hoof disorders are the result of insufficient care and/or insufficient exercise. Hoof-care should start in the young foal. Aside from the hereditary factors, the...
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How does your horse eat

Each horse has it’s own eating habits. Some really enjoy their feed and are at ease when eating. Others kick the stable wall the moment their neighbour only looks in their direction. In the case that your...
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Injuries occur in every sport. It happens to people as well as horses. A horse is considered lame when pain causes him to alter the usual weight distribution on one or more limbs. Lameness can be the result of...
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The incredible power of linseed

We all know that the oil from linseed, gives your horse a beautifully shiny coat. But did you know that linseed also contains many healthy unsaturated fats such as linolic acid? And that linseed in combination with...
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Brittle hooves

Looking after your horse’s feet is essential for your horse. A lot of problems with hooves stem from bad care and/or insufficient movement. Movement is extremely important for the development of healthy feet,...
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There are several ways to see or feel if your horse is too heavy or too thin. Look at your horse from behind, or feel his ribs. Your horse has the perfect weight when you cannot see his ribs, but you can feel them...
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The recipe for a Happy Horse

Some might consider the term "happy athlete" as a cliché, however there is a lot to be said for keeping your horse happy. After all, a happy horse shows less stress and therefore performs better....
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FAQ's about Pavo SportsFit

Read all about the following questions in the item below: What is the role of magnesium and why is it so important? How do I look after muscles, ligaments and joints with SportsFit? What is the role of...
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Muesli for horses: the pros and cons

Muesli for horses, are there truly any benefits? What distinguishes muesli from pellets? Is it possible to find sugar-free muesli? Many people only dare to give a handful of muesli because of fear for overweight....
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There are many different types of bedding on the market, for instance straw, Aubiose (hemp), wood shavings, AquaMax or MegaSorb (both made of wood pulp). Which one do you use and why? There are several reasons...
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What do horses eat?

‘What should I feed my horse?’ this is one of the most frequently asked questions to our nutritionists. The subject of horse feed is not an easy one, as sport horses have different feed requirements...
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Explanation of the oats effect?

You often hear that horses get too ‘hot’ when they are fed oats. After reading the above that makes sense. Oats contain a lot of carbohydrates, which is broken down to sugar, which is quickly available...
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A variety of building blocks in the horse feed contribute to the health of your horse. Roughage and concentrates contain nutrients that supply energy and take care of the recovery and growth of the body. Roughage...
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Magnesium: a matter of life or death

Magnesium, together with calcium, plays an important role in the mechanism of the muscles. In simple terms, calcium looks after the tension of the muscles and magnesium looks after the relaxation. It does happen...
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Digestive tract

The complicated digestive tract of a horse is susceptible for disorders. In the following paragraphs we take a closer look at several disorders. We will also explain how you can recognize these disorders, what you...
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10 tips to make a thin horse fatter

Is your horse too thin? A horse with a hollow appearance behind the ribs, at the flanks, is an indication of a roughage deficiency. If you can see your horse’s ribs and the hindquarters have a hollow appearance...
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Production Let’s do a little test. Grab a handful of horse feed: pellets or muesli. You have it? You now have15 different ingredients in your hand! The main ingredients for horse feed are grains, especially...
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How do you make grass from hay?

How do you make grass from hay? Research is the way to go forward. That is what Rob Krabbenborg, a nutritionist at Pavo strongly believes. The company is constantly investing in research and based on their findings,...
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The Podo®Concept

The development of a good bone-structure is a continuous process, which plays an important role in feeding during the last 3 months of gestation and until the age of 3 of the young horse. The Pavo Podo® Concept...
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Hyperlipemia or diet disease

Native breeds are well known for becoming overweight quickly. You don’t want your pony to be too fat before you go to a show or grading. Many horse owners put their animals on a diet only a few weeks before...
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Proteins up close

Of all the components of your horse’s diet, protein is probably the most misunderstood. Long assumed to function as an energy source for the body, protein mainly functions to provide amino acids (the building...
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Heart and blood

The heart and vascular system carry important products through the body, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste products, hormones and heat. The vascular system carries the blood to every part of the body....
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How the muscles acidify less quickly

In this article, we draw on scientific research to explain how the supplement Pavo MuscleCare is formulated and which substances are important for sport horses. Hard training and irregular work take their toll...
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From feed to energy

Horses in the wild use about 60% of their time foraging for food. Grazing is their main method of consumption. In the winter they ad bark, branches and roots to their diet. And for a short time, seasonal vegetation...
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Insulin resistance in your horse

Just as in people, overweight in horses is not healthy. A growing number of horses in the Europe are too fat and this increases the risk for conditions such as insulin resistance. What is insulin resistance, how...
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If horses could talk

When you walk into the barn or look out to the pasture, you often know right away what’s going on. More often than not your horse will be exited to see you, but – just like people – horses sometimes...
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Roughage analysis is a must

Roughage contains less and less energy and protein. This is shown by the analyses carried out by Pavo during the last decade. How much energy and proteins does your roughage contain? Having roughage analyzed...
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Moulting horse? Tips!

It is not always a pleasant period when your horse is moulting.  Hairs fly everywhere and they often stick to everything. Additionally, the moulting season takes up a lot of energy from your horse or pony....
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Nutritional tips for older horses

Senior horses, from 18 years of age onwards, will often have problems with their body weight. The body no longer absorbs the nutrients easily and teeth problems often play a role too. Fortunately, there is a lot...
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Pregnant mare: nutrition and labor

For every breeder, spring is an exciting, but also anxious time. In the run-up to the birth, it is a good thing to think about the feeding requirements of the mare before and after foaling, when she is lactating...
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Colic: all about colic in horses

What is colic? Colic is a form of pain in the abdomen. In the horse’s digestive tract, obstructions, cramps, excessive gas accumulation or displacements can occur, often resulting in colic. Cause of...
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Laminitis: the causes and treatment

Laminitis is for a horse a very painful condition, of which an inflammation in the hoof due to a severe metabolic disorder causes problems. How do you recognize a horse with laminitis? What are the causes of this...
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BeetNote Gastric ulcers

Reduction of ulceration in horses What causes gastric ulcers? The horse’s stomach is continuously secreting digestive acids. If the stomach lining is exposed to this acid for a prolonged period of time,...
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BeetNote Spring Grass

Spring 2014: Prevent your horse from getting laminitis due to the spring grass First of all, why has spring grass such a bad reputation? In principle, it has to do with a period of rapid growth. In the autumn,...
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Diarrhoea in horses

You can diagnose diarrhoea in horses by loose or liquid stools, the frequent passing of stools and a dirty tail and buttocks. The most important thing is to ensure your horse doesn’t become dehydrated! But...
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BeetNote Fourage management

Manage your horse’s diet in 4 steps When putting together the daily diet for your horse, you can use the following components: Roughage Fibres Concentrate Supplements Roughage The basis...
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BeetNote Foraging behaviour

Foraging behaviour To a certain extent, wild animals are in a constant state of near starvation. By this we mean to say that they almost always experience shortages in their diet. By varying that diet, within...
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BeetNote The first meal

Reduce the negative effects of spring grass by feeding Pavo SpeediBeet before turning out your horse In the spring, grass can contain high levels of sugar, such as fructans. On average, this is about 17-20% of...
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BeetNote The effects of soaked feed

Why should you soak feed? We are gaining more and more knowledge about healthy horse feed. Many horse owners are well aware of the benefits of an as large as possible intake of fibres. Feed producers are adding...
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BeetNote Building up condition

Building up condition through feeding We all talk about the condition of our horses. Strictly speaking, the condition of a horse is the relationship between muscles and fat, in the context of general alertness,...
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